Our Founders Circle Guild
In addition to our Core Circle of consultants, trainers and investigative journalists,
Paladin agents are supported by a network of leading industry professionals.
This Founders Circle aligns industry challenges and goals
regarding Representative Journalism
and co-creates strategies.
Each member functions both as an internal independent advisor on their particular expertise
and as an external Paladin ambassador.
Paladin Founders may also act as consultants or trainers on special occasions.
Domain: integration of academic knowledge, international newsroom dynamics and newsroom skill building, and quality DEI media innovation in general
Domain: international reporting, producing, broadcasting and out-rolling of impactful journalism, newsroom management and cross-border investigative coordination
Ben White
Domain: connecting journalists to sources, war reporting, matching fixers and anything connected to the occupation of Palestinian territory
Domain: Project process management including evaluation and refinement strategies, as well as stakeholder mapping and building deeper ally relationships throughout
Domain: Cross-border and cross-cultural newsroom innovation pioneer, community building and international community management expert, bias critic
Nadin Rabaa
Domain: investigative & data trainer of newsrooms around the world and policy analyst for Google, always aligning unforeseen opportunities