Not Your Diversity
Training Portal
I promise you within 30 days
you will transform overwhelm into laser focus
& know exactly what goals beyond ‘diversity’
you need to & can invest in
PLUS the precise strategic actions
that will get you there in 12 months
as well as…
how to be certain
you'll truly have impacted your environment for the better.
I’ll personally guide you to this guaranteed destination
OR give you all your course money back.
For every communication pro
>30H learning content
€2700,- incl. monthly bonus material
For every communication pro • UNLIMITED ACCESS • >30H learning content • €2700,- incl. monthly bonus material •
Navigate Communication:
Know exactly what to talk about, to who, quickly - and what to skip, to see immediate impact in your own project as well as people involved on the borders of it.
Gain almost mathematical precision in navigating conversations by instantly defining what is said, what needs to be said, and what is actually being said.
Identify every weak and blind spot where a lack of communication hinders inclusion and representation, by being sure of engineering ethically sound and productive pathways of communication between pivots of power.
Fireproof Strategies:
Be able to go straight to the creative and important part by having your project planning, team building and evaluation structure in place and knowing how to customize it to your needs.
Always have soundboards and instant concrete support on hand from peers as well as a coach who knows your personal mission and can light darker parts of the road whenever you need it.
Clear boundaries around time, energy and responsibilities for your focus and flow to make it way beyond the finish line.
Lead With Insights:
Get the information, insight and experience straight from those underrepresented sources with experience and track record in leading change making them the global authorities. We ensure your actions are not just ethically sound and strategically effective, but also building on enough specialized expertise for you to know what to be sure of and have space to expand your own craft and/or leadership.
Update monthly with relevant new content.
“Are you ready to ignite a ripple of change around you,
engineering opportunities with the proven tools of representative strategy and connecting to peers that are truly comitted?”
For Storytellers who create content:
Journalists need representative & relevant productions
Marketeers need inclusive engagement strategies
Educators need ethical tactics for sustainable diversity beyond window-dressing
For Listeners who build structures:
HR professionals need policies that range from before recruitment to after onboarding to cover all ‘diversity’ pitfalls
Leaders need to put coaching, counseling, assessments & team building in place before urgently necessary
Guides, consultants & coaches need ongoing ways of translating signals into ethical interventions and clear debriefs
For Investigators who seek solutions:
Academics need clarity of focus and mapped out blind spots whilst expanding their viewfinder
Innovators need lightness on their feet to navigate conversations & decisions with clear priorities without losing sensitivities
Researchers need expert roadmaps & resources to reference to as we carry out the ongoing work in progress together
Lead the evolution of innovation by learning exactly which actions you can take, in which order, to integrate more relevance and fairness in your specific domain.
Build on your initial inspiration with clear priorities using representative communication, diverse insights and inclusive management.
And work towards a tangible goalpost of how to translate these actions into measurable value for sustainably scaling up all progress made around you, beyond you.
Get strategically and ethically in sync with DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) developments and allow us to guard you against persistent pitfalls and drain, so you maintain time and space for your craft.
Are you ready to ignite a ripple of change around you, engineering opportunities with the proven tools of representative journalism and connecting to peers who no longer want to play small?
Whoever you are,
communication & representation matters
every where.
Imagine if the right stories, insights and conversations would somehow all flow and find their way, representing to us the amount of world we can be conscious of and the dosages of truth we have available to us to make the correct decisions, through the right communications and connections at the right times, thanks to the the right people in the right places being able to develop their unique talents and sharing their skills over time. Or, just imagine not everything falling apart because leadership is sailing blind (or blinding…), relevance and innovation is lacking and evolution gets blocked.
My name is Hadjar Benmiloud, and I’m addicted to seeing transformation and exponential growth happen through real representation! Seven years ago, I launched my first startup involving over 200 colleagues to bundle our expertise and co-create media we desired ourselves - looking back, many great things things are felt. But one thing I’m silent about… I won’t tell everyone that sometimes I’m clouded by a shadow of regret. For every successful project and ripple effect changing media forever in some way, there are ten more more never having come to full fruition. For every prizewinning investigation, a hundred more that stopped in it’s tracks. With every executive management strategy successfully leading to innovation, thousands of potential executors who were left unreached yet already complaining they never want to talk about diversity again. Of all the challenges that come with organizational evolution, nothing burdens me more than all the unseen and underrepresented potential I’ve seen wasted over the years, while the successes weren’t unicorn exceptions at all. Better yet; still only the tip of the iceberg in terms of how much potential representation has in radiating out insight and change.
And in 18 year of being a journalist, writer, speaker, CEO & strategist, my best work always revolved around just that.
The last 5 years, working mainly as a creative strategist and executive consultant, I’m happy to be able to help solve universal blockages with these personal strategies, yet some nagging frustration persists. I can’t help but feel there needs to be way more space for the initiators of change. Right here and right now. Where not everyone should have to start alone in solving those very issues my career revolves around. And I’ve always seen the most trailblazing innovation happen simply when I connect pioneers to peers, leaders, and strategies. It almost happens automatically, when we empower each other to not just lead the rat race but to build wholesome systems together. Space for natural evolution takes the place of hindering dynamics when we are provided with tools, a map, and a guild, and we get empowered to build for relevant representation founded on professionalism, clarity and alignment. No more more wrong turns, clouded choices and compromising positions. There is too much power, talent and insight underrepresented when we actually need you all urgently to shine your unique light. But we cannot waste our time talking about diversity and have to struggle and climb from one pitfall to the other. This is our time now. I want us all knowing what to do, when to do it, what you’re unique role is and how to energize yourself and the expanding community around you. That’s what I want to provide using all of the collected experience and insights, no detours or gatekeeping this time. Executive strategies for those who lead and execute, whether your function title says so or not.
With this community, I’m committing to the biggest job of my life. But if you belong to the group of initiators we’re addressing here, I need you to turn it’s promise of guaranteed change into a personal and lasting reality. Because if you as an innovator, storyteller, listener and/or investigator join our classes and community of leaders in concrete and sustainable change, you have this empowering guild at your disposal, for life, guaranteed. We’ll move together, week to week, month to month, year to year, ripple to victory. And that is exactly why it will be my pleasure to co-create tangible growth with you. Life is too short for wasted potential, talent and excellence in our entangled worlds. But I believe we have enough time for everyone to find the places that suit them, if we work together, build on inclusive insight and use our time and energy just right. Let’s start right where we are.
We cannot change the beginning, but together we can own the ending!
Basecamp Video’s
7 Modules (+-45 min) + 7 4-page Workbooks
moving you through actions
tailored to your unique situation, step-by-step
Breaking down the why, how & what of your strategy and proven tactics to sharpen your toolset
Monthly Summits
Monthly community group calls
safe space for the likeminded and likedetermined
guaranteed personal guidance
for every strategic question
Representation Toolkit
Shitstorm umbrella and strategy PDF
saving your every single conversation and decision around Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
from derailment straight to immediate impact
Innovation Roadmap
Timeless PDF to keep coming back to
with a clear overview of your interdependent actions
and priorities
to lead you & to lead with
SOS Support
Searchlight & Anchor
one-time-wildcard for full one-on-one coaching + mail support
providing you with a full personal assessment and advised target to get you out of murky waters
12 Monthly community coaching calls
Unlimited access to community
Unlimited modules + monthly updated bonus
Personal access to private coaching
through targeted assistance
How we’ll guarantee your success together:
More fun, vitality and clarity about your own strengt through community
instead of confusing isolation and overwhelm draining and distracting you
More authority for your action-based plans with demonstrable impact
instead of reproducing problems, wheeling vital priorities and re-discovering the wheel in a bumping cart
More evidence and science based team alignment with inspiring printables
instead of fueling conflicting individuals and polarizing opinions
More balance and pacing between personal and collective challenges,
instead of having to do everything, losing focus for your craft and failing everywhere at once

What clients are saying:
““In tough industries, in ones where there is a lot of competition, in ones with traditional power relations – as in, spaces that aren’t very diverse – it’s really important to have a peer group. And then you have a space in your life where you can talk about everything that’s going on without constantly having to explain how things work. We only needed a couple of words to understand each other.”
— Robin Goudsmit (Environmental Reporter, on Hadjar Benmiloud’s Vileine Academy)
“After a year of working together, I’ve experienced the entire (executive strategic consultancy) process as especially enjoyable because of the way Hadjar truly takes you along on a road of understanding and action. And that says a lot haha, because many others had already tried with me on this subject before.”
— Harm van Taselaar, (former) editor-in-chief of RTL News NL on Vileine Consultancy
“Starting with a broad assessment of recurring situations and delving into deeper meaning and misunderstandings helped me practice a new way of thinking that I could not immediately bring into practice after the first session, but already helped me assess where to act with much more clarity.
Using the NYD Representation Toolkit helped me to differentiate between problems I was having. It gave me the tools I needed to identify my needs and clarify the specific problem or issue in every unique interaction. This enabled me to prevent getting lost in a broad or general discussion and instead focus on the issue at hand. At one instance I was surprised at the impact of the conversation, but also by the unexpected pleasantness and how quickly we were able to get to a conclusion. It helped me understand the views of my executive producer, without entering a polarizing discussion. It made me excited about more future focus and actions around developing real and sustainable Representation, where before after such interactions I often felt hopeless or disillusioned.”
— Kaja Bouman (Freelance journalist at various legacy newsrooms, after 3 weeks of Not Your Diversity coaching & toolkits)
“In the coaching sessions with Hadjar I’ve learned a lot about the Representative framework and how to focus looking through that lens using it in my direct surroundings.
Understanding around what and how to create awareness was most important to me and the concrete action points and strategic approach Hadjar shared with me has been and still is very supporting to my work.
Also, the Innovators Roadmap gave me anchors to get to my destination. I always felt totally safe and free to say anything and ask anything in the personal sessions with Hadjar, which created a pleasant environment to reflect and grow in.“
— Liselot van der Klift, editor and project initiator at the Dutch National Press Agency after two coaching sessions and using the Innovators Toolkit of Not Your Diversity)
What industry experience infused this training:
8 years of executive consultancy:
to leadership of most major Dutch newsrooms
several national ministries
many non-profit institutions working on democracy and/or media
and some brand agencies and social organizations
12 years of leading and managing:
founded the largest feminist magazine in the Benelux (Vileine Magazine) and the first investigative academy (Vileine Academy)
founded the first independent international think-tank of industry leaders around representative journalism (Paladin Agency)
personally led and coached over 400 storytellers, listeners and investigators and various teams at Vileine, Vice Media, BNN-VARA, all clients of Paladin, the European Union Youth Media days, and many more.
20 years of international media:
over 500 columns in Metro newspaper and 300 more in various magazines
over a 1000 journalism articles, events and outlets under my supervision on my platform Vileine
Barbara Ehrenreich prize (Dutch Erasmus committee) for investigative reporting
over 18 year experience as a reporter, presenter, host and editor in many newsrooms and outlets
Course Curriculum
> Why I rarely mention diversity, equity and inclusion but always talk about it> Why dissecting the diversity conversation will tell you everything you need to know to get started
> Why in using representation as your searching light, every shadow will come up
> How storytellers, listeners and investigators connect people through processes, not results
> Who really makes decisions when it comes to value and change
> What a successful representation innovation project looks like
> What diversity gone wrong looks like
> What will ensure ethical success
> How to ask questions and use reflections to get clarity of meaning
> Why your first job is to ask questions, whatever the industry is
> How to start filling in blind spots > How to have different conversations in different situations
> How you translate the problem to value without acting like a psycho+ 4 page workbook on ethically pinpointing goals and blind spots
When to start with the why and choose small goals before you make them larger
> Why the value conversation needs to start vague before it gets practica l
> How to find value and meaning if you got lost in the conversation
> How to not be their diverse person
> How to become an inclusive leader
> How to leverage your own position and goals
> Hidden goals matter the most, how to find out sooner rather than later
> What goals to commit to in which order and which to drop until when
+ 4 page workbook
How to be approachable yet guard yourself and others against polarization
> The pain of not being approachable enough and too approachable
> Why it is so important for you to be approachable in the first phase - and line, of defense (moving to soft offense!)
> The dynamics and categories of the most common DEI polarization
> Best practices to set up conversation flow
> What to look out for when the narrative unfolds
> Common stagnation and how to break through
> What to do when conversations get stuck or even risk derailment
+ 4 page workbook -
How to differentiate what can and cannot be overlooked in terms of boundaries towards reaching goals:
> Why the hardest strategy comes after your first success
> How unexpectedly ‘success’ can get truly demotivating
> Where DEI initiatives fail
> The safety measure before getting the plug pulled
> How to set up a good evaluation structure
> What to do when parameters get unclear
+ 4 page workbook -
> When to scale up toward more DEI by cancelling DEI
> What to strive towards with representation policy
> Why it is essential to kickstart and guard clear definitions
> How reflections will protect your project and everyone (not yet) involved
> What to do when the time has come to involve a higher level and expand on success
+ 4 page workbook -
>How strategic organization becomes an art, once goal setting and planning are aligned
> How to detox & guard everyones schedules
> Beyond toxic patchwork productivity to implementing self-sustaining DEI engines
> What to do when those with most influence are showing up to little
+ 4 page workbook -
When you are ready to just have fun and keep lightening the load for everyone by working mean and lean and intuitively pivot around creative success:
> How a natural flow is your ultimate goal
> How representation of quality works in your own goals and alignment
>What, how, why and with who to pivot and scale once things went right!
+ 4 page workbook
Representative journalism is a framework I came up with after years of working with storytellers, listeners and investigators in and around journalism, to steer the vagueness of the diversity-conversation into a more action-based but fully sensible direction, moving beyond separate initiatives that aren’t valued as core components as long as they conveniently stay in some ideological corner. This led to executive consultancy and strategic work using an elaborate toolkit that was founded on the principles of representative journalism, but revolves around having strategic overview of all elements involved when it comes to representation and engineering for change. This course is in my humble opinion a must for everyone in journalism to step outside their bubble, but it was actually specifically designed to cater those outside of journalism as well and help overlapping industries depending on consistently finding relevant information and engagement create their roadmaps for that and help them convert it to sustainable value.
You can access all online learning content immediately as soon as you complete registration through one of the payment platforms (Apple Pay, Afterpay, creditcards, Paypal, Stripe) and you can either opt for a single payment or a payment plan with multiple installments. If you choose a buy-now-pay-later plan, you will still receive equal and full access instantly: both online on-demand content as included personal coaching and live happenings.
The content as well as both community and personal guidance are guaranteed to support you here, and will assist you with creating leverage and authority in the long run. This program is designed to create both a positive ripple effect in the company around you, as nourish your own development and impact as a professional. If under contract, your employer should be ready to invest in that for different reasons on different levels: seeing the potential for your environment, being curious about it, wanting to manage risk and research opportunity, or simply supporting the personal training and coaching of one employee, gearing for a ripple of change. You might even already have standard access to an allocated dormant budget for this as part of your individual rights and working conditions - inform with your HR department!
As this portal is made for those wanting to ensure qualitative change around them by engineering opportunities and taking charge with strategic yet innovative action, entrepreneurial minds will for sure know how to make excellent use of anything we offer. The classes do not differentiate but build on strategical principles, and involve relevant examples for all kinds of situations. Depending on the country and region you live in, there might even be subsidiaries for personal coaching and development available to you through nationally supported institutions of local government. Contact if you need help coming up with a plan.
You are guaranteed to have your question answered in our monthly community call and if you send it to me beforehand, I will have even more time to think about your specific situation. Every member of the learning community is someone I will personally research, follow and keep involving in future developments, so executive coaching will also build on itself over time as we get to know each other further. More importantly, you will have access to an online safe space with your peers as well as get actively matched to and expanding network through my personal and collective invitations for live bonus content and activities. On top of that, you get one personal deep dive coaching session with me based on your then current situation and worksheet, roadmap or toolkit of choice. Of coarse, if anything urgent arises, I will always find a way to respond quickly and set up something more if so desired.
In terms of webinars, you have seven sessions to complete (45 minutes video or audio + worksheets) which are expected to all in all take you 11 hours in total, yet more time to think, process and integrate is always valuable where you can take it. Still, one hour a week can take you very far in making sure you create impact and guard your energy levels. The masterclass (2,5 hour video), toolkit (pdf) and roadmap (pdf) will take you about 6 hours in total. To receive your personal coaching and feedback, expect to reserve 3 hours including prep. This means that the core of this course can be completed within 20 hours, not counting all the extra listed resources, bonus content, community content, and of coarse monthly group calls, that are regularly updated and free for you to use. To maximize how you can learn and implement, I advise you to make full use of the community experience as well as the personal coaching, and take pauses to integrate your newfound action steps. Depending on your own schedule, ideal would be to take 2/3 weeks minimally and 6 months at most to complete the core content of this course.
This course is about insights and strategies that originate from consultancy and journalism, but goes much deeper than that: represenation of insight and skill are vital to all of us. This portal is geared towards those first change makers with the most leverage potential to create change around them, and aims to offer you the full experience of high-end executive consultancy and coaching without the price-tag and limiting angles. So you do not need to do or send anything to officially complete this course, yet I would highly encourage to do so in order to make full use of the support. You will, however, never get graded nor judged on your involvement, yet be expected to hold an independent position of integrity within our community.
This single financial investment is about gaining access to timeless strategies, coaching and community support for life, and the promise is I will guarantee you creating powerful and measurable ripples of change around you whilst thriving and growing into your unique role and expanding community. To facilitate and guarantee a safe and sound high level online learning and community experience structured around your potential, needs and strategical problems -offering solutions before you have to even think about it- and involving the worlds leading authorities and hard facts on these strtegies as well as making use of the best elements of personal coaching too, money is needed. That money makes sure you everything you do, is guaranteed to be a good investment in time and energy. Which means in terms of finance, it’s a lot cheaper than doing nothing or not knowing what to do costs you, and many more around you. The structure and space this learning experience offers is absolutely vital to ensure success coming out of a woodwork onto higher ground without falling into the many pitfalls that often do more harm than good on the longer term, and drain those involves on the short term. This portal is an innovation resulting from 18 years of international experience meant to impact the world. For all that, the price is reasonably on the conservative side to include as many change makers as possible, especially those who cannot afford to lose money nor time. Also, when it comes to positive change in representation, it cannot be underestimated how vital it is for involved parties to truly start with a real commitment and invest there - this ensures actions that build upon one another instead of loose ends. And this building we do together with words, strategically expanding our leverage and skill, and all other types of currency available.
See answers to questions 1, 2, 3 and 5 to see if one of these options helps you. If not, do not hesitate at all to contact me to explain your personal situation and we’ll see what we can do to help and get you started when you most need it without the burden of financial challenge. This course was developed with the intention of helping, not draining, so finding a practical solution here should be the easiest part of bringing it to you.
Not happy = money back. If you are actively partaking in the learning content as intended and implementing as advised yet fail to see the benefits promised after six months, you may request two additional coaching sessions for us to identify the blockage together. If you by then still do not have any of the desired results or more unexpected problems, all outstanding installments will be cancelled, no questions asked, or 50% of your fully paid fixed price back. This means I want you to start making a change so bad, I’m willing to take 100% of the risk for you and offer you 100% of all labour costs made as a return (technical costs cannot be redeemed), fully confident in trusting people will only make use of this option honestly and accepting it fully if anyone chooses do so!
Your involvement in Not Your Diversity activities is fully confidential, as well as any information you share with me. For community outings, guidelines are maintained to protect this safe space as well. However, you may choose to use a pseudonym for you online presence in our community space and group calls and change shared examples to be unidentifiable, if you wish to do so. We can and should also have conversation about this choice if your hesitant in choosing (partial) anonimity.
The creation and ownership is fully under independent control with Hadjar Benmiloud, CEO of Paladin Agency and Vileine Academy and Magazine. At no point in research or development was any external sum received, either from non-profit or commercial sources.
For now, there will be many opportunities to get insights and feedback from industry leaders that are guests is masterclasses, bonus content and online happenings. But for the future, new courses with different teachers are being developed as we read.
Many tips and tricks are geared to help you create and activate a structure with colleagues or peers around you, but I highly encourage you to take this course in tandem with one or more others you will cooperate with. Sharing your personally purchased materials however is not allowed and considered theft of intellectual property, but I do offer 50% off + free team check-in for every second consecutive colleague after the first two have onboarded. Simply contact with the names of everyone in the group and I will mail you a bespoke corporate invoice.