Activate your quest

Gather the tools for your terrain

Make it past that finish line

when adventure calls you



  • Main benefit: explore what embarking on an adventure would look like in your life and work
    Timeline: 1 day
    Intensity: 60 minutes
    Why this package: if you feel like your missing direction, have doubts about which adventure or what approach would work for you and if this is the right time or thing to do
    Includes: one personal coaching session + 1 digital intake form before the call
    Follow up option: everything below

  • Main benefit: get your treasure clear & on the radar
    Timeline: 1 month
    Intensity: weekly
    Why this package: if you want be sure of your direction and next mission, and commit to it with a game-plan that works for your personal style
    Includes: 3 personal coaching sessions + 3 downloadable assessments + one personalized downloadable guided meditation
    Follow up option: UNLOCKED (Є1699,-) (12 monthly check-in sessions, digital accountability system, written report of your year & leverage-able strong points debriefed)

  • Main benefit: get your gameplan, take off and stay on track
    Timeline: 6 weeks
    Intensity: weekly
    Why this package: if you want to ensure your new plan successfully launched and on track with action items and approach no matter the moving parts or conflicting information streams
    Includes: one full project plan strategy with target audience breakdown, personal priorities and communication approach delivered to your inbox + 3 double personal coaching sessions + 3 downloadable assessments + one personalized downloadable guided meditation + 3 written feedback reports about your personal strengths and growth opportunities + 6 weekly digital check-ins + 24/7 emergency on-call availability
    Follow up option: GEARED UP (+€4K) (4 quarterly 90 min strategy sessions + 4 quarterly full strategy reflection & action point recommendations in your inbox + 1 year long mail support)

  • Main benefit: keep your mission on track and see it through a full transformational process integrating all stakeholders
    Timeline: 3 months
    Intensity: weekly
    Why this package: if you want to ensure your gamepan doesn’t just get executed with guaranteed growth for your own personal goal, but successfully makes it all the way through the intense transformational process that involves many moving parts and stakeholders
    Includes: 1 full project plan strategy with target audience breakdown, personal priorities and communication approach delivered to your inbox + 6 double personal coaching sessions + 6 downloadable assessments + two personalized downloadable guided meditations + 6 written feedback reports about your personal strengths and growth opportunities + 12 weekly digital check-ins + 24/7 emergency on-call availability + (FREE BONUS) a transformational impact swot-scan involving max. 5 stakeholders you connect me to
    Follow up options: Full Circle Geared Up (+Є7K) (12 60 min strategy sessions + 4 quarterly full strategy reflection & action point recommendations in your inbox + 1 year long mail support)

Coaching + Strategy

  • SMART goalsetting based on defining the deepest transformational purpose of your heroic adventure

  • Full breakdown of the terrain you’re working on with all of the moving parts, audiences, stakeholders, and main leverage opportunities to make it through the journey

  • Analysis of main risks versus areas of support + tangible strategies and actionable steps for each one of them

  • Clear timeline and planning to hit your marks and still be flexible, with planning pivoting guidelines based on different potential scenarios

  • Razor sharp media & communication plan for every step of your project

  • Filling in blind spots using your new lean & mean infrastructure for external information input all throughout your project

  • Define and challenge inner dragons: what shadows to work through in this project?

  • The elixer that creates lasting change for you and around you. How will you distribute the gold?

If you’re frustrated, stagnating and overwhelmed regarding that one project that will change your life and change the world, congrats! You’re right on track.

Now let’s find out where to go and select and align all priorities around your personality style so that you can be sure of quick breakthroughs and sustainable project management.

You’ve got what it takes, if one of these things is true:

… Your launch or upscale of a artistic or social project is being deemed “irrelevant” by industry heavyweights yet “extremely relatable” by your target audience

… Your company’s hr & workflow is officially the responsibility of everyone yet no one, and when shit hits the fan you’re the only person who can and will crisis manage to fill the gaps

… Your career direction doen’t excite or fulfil you anymore and you want to use your experience to be a part of the solution, not the problem

… Your first or next funding round is crucial for the survival of your startup, yet you’re in deep enough to know what your exact competitive edge is and cannot afford to compromise on it for the sake of securing investment

… Your global impact institutional project pitch takes way too much effort to put through all the burning hoops as you compete with multinationals so you are now looking for a fast-track past the traditional hierarchy

Whatever the industry you’re working in and at what level of your career you are, you probably are:

+ a hardworking sigma stoic sigma wanting to experience flow instead

of overwhelm in your schedule

+ a curious & sensitive wild child when it comes to your professional ambitions and integrity standards

+ someone people open up to wherever you go even though your natural habitat truly is big sunglasses and a baseball cap, with a cat under a blanket or meditating in a bath tub

And that means you would benefit from:

! Communication plans that touches hearts

! Production infrastructures & creative solutions to safeguard your growth and desired outcome

! Representation of the marginalized leading edge information and experiences that your field needs to prioritize ASAP

! Funding & business model strategy aligning not compromising the purpose of your cause

! Genius zone focussed coaching and tight accountability using constant evaluation and refinement of your time management to get you through your own growth leaps and shadowwork too

! Crystal clear instructions on how to move through toxicity in your fields power structures the way Neo moves through bullets

If you hear the call, the quest is ready for you.

I live to use my corporate,

political & media experience to assist you. Let me obsess over every detail of the map we draw up together so we do ensure you come back to society to share the elixer & gold.

Move from compromises into alignment!

Let’s clear your path and make aligned adventure work



What clients are saying:

““In tough industries, in ones where there is a lot of competition, in ones with traditional power relations – as in, spaces that aren’t very diverse – it’s really important to have a peer group. And then you have a space in your life where you can talk about everything that’s going on without constantly having to explain how things work. We only needed a couple of words to understand each other.”

— Robin Goudsmit (Environmental Reporter, on Hadjar Benmiloud’s Vileine Academy)

“After a year of working together, I’ve experienced the entire (executive strategic consultancy) process as especially enjoyable because of the way Hadjar truly takes you along on a road of understanding and action. And that says a lot haha, because many others had already tried with me on this subject before.”

— Harm van Taselaar, (former) editor-in-chief of RTL News NL on Vileine Consultancy

“Starting with a broad assessment of recurring situations and delving into deeper meaning and misunderstandings helped me practice a new way of thinking that I could not immediately bring into practice after the first session, but already helped me assess where to act with much more clarity.
Using the NYD Representation Toolkit helped me to differentiate between problems I was having. It gave me the tools I needed to identify my needs and clarify the specific problem or issue in every unique interaction. This enabled me to prevent getting lost in a broad or general discussion and instead focus on the issue at hand. At one instance I was surprised at the impact of the conversation, but also by the unexpected pleasantness and how quickly we were able to get to a conclusion. It helped me understand the views of my executive producer, without entering a polarizing discussion. It made me excited about more future focus and actions around developing real and sustainable Representation, where before after such interactions I often felt hopeless or disillusioned.”

— Kaja Bouman (Freelance journalist at various legacy newsrooms, after 3 weeks of Not Your Diversity coaching & toolkits)

“In the coaching sessions with Hadjar I’ve learned a lot about the Representative framework and how to focus looking through that lens using it in my direct surroundings.

Understanding around what and how to create awareness was most important to me and the concrete action points and strategic approach Hadjar shared with me has been and still is very supporting to my work. 

Also, the Innovators Roadmap gave me anchors to get to my destination. I always felt totally safe and free to say anything and ask anything in the personal sessions with Hadjar, which created a pleasant environment to reflect and grow in.“

— Liselot van der Klift, editor and project initiator at the Dutch National Press Agency after two coaching sessions and using the Innovators Toolkit of Not Your Diversity)

Experience at your service:

8 years of executive consultancy:

  • to leadership of most major Dutch newsrooms

  • several national ministries

  • many non-profit institutions working on democracy and/or media

  • and some brand agencies and social organizations

12 years of leading and managing:

  • founded the largest feminist magazine in the Benelux (Vileine Magazine) and the first investigative academy (Vileine Academy)

  • founded the first independent international think-tank of industry leaders around representative journalism (Paladin Agency)

  • personally led and coached over 400 storytellers, listeners and investigators and various teams at Vileine, Vice Media, BNN-VARA, all clients of Paladin, the European Union Youth Media days, and many more.

20 years of international media:

  • over 500 columns in Metro newspaper and 300 more in various magazines

  • over a 1000 journalism articles, events and outlets under my supervision on my platform Vileine

  • Barbara Ehrenreich prize (Dutch Erasmus committee) for investigative reporting

  • over 18 year experience as a reporter, presenter, host and editor in many newsrooms and outlets


  • can do some deep work, focussed, and fast, together. Let’s seize an opportunity for change you’re already in the process of creating and just can’t keep letting slip away, anymore.

    > Let’s ensure a purposeful and crystal clear definition, timeline and desired outcome of what your treasure hunting mission is right now
    > Let’s turn this into the leanest and meanest project plan and strategy you’ve ever seen, including a full breakdown of your target audiences and communication necessities
    > Let’s make sure the plan is catered to your personal needs & practical circumstances (and get honest about what these really are)
    > Let’s ensure success with a plan a, b, c, and a again (accountability)
    > Let’s start immediately and do the real work to get to the real real of who you are, to tap into the deepest hidden fears and talents that have kept you in this loop all this time. We work through structurally replacing them with new habits as we adventure. But let’s be clear, you’re the hero.
    I offer the tools. You commit to the soul seeking. I shout in your ear to get quick tangible results. It will be wonderful.

    Where you are right now is perfect.

    But it’s time to pull it together and get it out there.

  • I get you steady & ready on four pillars:

    Corporate strategy methods = PURPOSE, DIRECTION & PRIORITIES > Hero’s map

    Journalism & investigation tools = REPRESENTATIVE INFORMATION > Hero’s pack

    Marketing & media approach = SUSTAINABLE CONNECTING > Hero’s community

    Creative + holistic entrepreneurial coaching journey = BREAKTHROUGH > Hero’s path

    How we pull it together:

    Your purpose translated into 1 urgent transformational treasure project with priorities & boundaries that guarantee successful completion

    Your bespoke tools and pointers to always receive and process that specific input which is most relevant as underrepresented information for your own fair & balanced space

    Your limitless well of inspiration, passion and energy and knowing how to keep it flowing without getting frozen or overwhelmed using shadowwork

    Your carved-out pathways to turn the thoughts into things, balancing your bravery with the certitude of market opportunities, institutional etiquette and the power of networks

    Your free voice and personal sauce sharply positioned where it belongs, hooked in to the communities and communication systems that make your message work, easy

  • Choose a package below, pick a language, let me know your availability whilst checking out and we’re off within 7 days.